jane on "Why does my page look different on different servers?"
Hi there. I just looked at your site in a couple of different browsers and it looks normal. Sites don't generally look the same in all browsers because they each interpret code differently. It's...
View Articlejaneven on "Oxygen theme: how to display different crops of same image for...
Thank you, I get it now.
View Articletheyesco on "insert images without gallery/carousel view - 3 images to a row"
Kathy, Thank you for your help. I tried making the images 180 pixels wide, but they still appear 2 to a row. Maybe I need to choose another theme? Should I purchase the CSS and if so, will that help?
View Article2pat on "How can I delete unwanted white bar below header?"
Thanks. No problem to wait, please don't work over the holidays on this one.
View Articlealiferedesigned on "How do I fix this layout problem?"
http://aliferedesigned.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=141&action=edit Thanks!
View Articlelornasvoice on "SIdebar moved mysteriously. Need HTML help FAST!"
Reinstalling Chrome did not help. My site still looks wonky with no sidebar. I await any wisdom you might have...
View Articlejkrumm on "Changing font color for blog entry titles."
Thanks, just did it, helped a lot. John
View Articlekardotim on "Visitor stats"
Could you send us a screenshot of the page where you're seeing this? You can upload the screenshot to your blog's media library.
View Articlekathrynwp on "How can I delete unwanted white bar below header?"
We're happy to help. Have a lovely holiday!
View Articlekathrynwp on "Limiting email notifications to new posts."
Hi Judith - glad to hear you figured it out. Have fun on your blogging journey and have a lovely holiday season!
View Articlejudithnilan on "Limiting email notifications to new posts."
Thank you so much. And you. And you...may your holidays be filled with love, joy and peace. Namaste, Judith
View Articlekathrynwp on "How do I adjust gallery image sizes in Twenty Twelve theme?"
Hi there - it looks like you selected "Square Tiles" for your galleries. When you choose a tiled gallery format, the widths of your images are automatically calculated by WordPress so that they adapt...
View Articlekathrynwp on "VideoPress embed for mobile devices"
I tested the shortcode for that video on a test site and it works fine. It doesn't look like the intro video is contained within either a regular WordPress post or a widget. You might want to...
View Articlekardotim on "Jetpack Mobile Theme Problem"
Did the problem came back after enabling other plugins? if so, which plugin did you enable? Could you send us a screenshot of the page where you're seeing this?
View Articlekardotim on "Domain name transfer from one wordpress blog to another ?"
I've just moved the domain to your other blog. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.
View Articlemeryashetland on "Domain name transfer from one wordpress blog to another ?"
Thank you ! :) Merry Xmas !
View Articlekathrynwp on "Oxygen theme: how to display different crops of same image for...
Great - glad to hear it. Just let us know if you need anything else.
View Articlekathrynwp on "insert images without gallery/carousel view - 3 images to a row"
Hi there - it looks like your images are still set to 200 pixels wide on your homepage. Is there another page or post where you've made them 180 pixels that I could take a peek at? Just send over the...
View Articleinfotoon on "images different"
i'll try that. I guess I have to delete that page and reload the images into a gallery. My internet has been down for two days.
View Articlekathrynwp on "How do I fix this layout problem?"
Thanks for the link. It looks like you had a lot of <div> tags throughout your text, which act differently from paragraph tags. I removed them and you now have some paragraphs again. If this...
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