stacyleeman on "How do I adjust gallery image sizes in Twenty Twelve theme?"
I tried that, but it didn't help. I have tried to changed the number of columns in the gallery, but that didn't help either.
View Articlepicturerealfood on "Blog Content Spilling out of Article Space"
Ok, thanks for checking on it! I'll do the caption space for now. Please let me know if/when you find a permanent solution. Many thanks!
View Articledrcamhy on "Why does my page look different on different servers?"
Why does my webpage look distorted on internet explorer and mozilla fox but looks great on safari?
View Articlelornasvoice on "SIdebar moved mysteriously. Need HTML help FAST!"
Okay, I'll give that a try and report back...
View Articleglen2813 on "Link Blog Problem"
I posted a Link blog to a 3rd party article and wrote a nice description, but the description is nowhere to be found. The posting is just a black box with the title and a link icon. What happened to...
View Articleyogimommi on "point wordpress domain to blogger"
OH my! You must be busy!!! :) I feel bad bothering you about this! I have kind of hit a snag though. I followed the instructions and seem to be missing something. When I get to the pending transfers...
View Articlelacofdturnout on "VideoPress embed for mobile devices"
Hi, I did try to use the short code however, that didn't work as well. That way it does not show up at all. Not for Desktop or mobile device. That was the reason I was trying to use embed function. Any...
View Articleriverwayranchcamp on "Can I use different backgrounds for category archive...
this totally helps :)
View Articlemeryashetland on "Domain name transfer from one wordpress blog to another ?"
Hello ! the new blog name is : and the domain that needs to be attached to it is the following : Thanks in advance !
View Articledianeeugster on "transfer my subscribers"
Great! My old site URL is My new site URL is although I've had my domain name forwarded, so now when you type in...
View Articlepubliusabinitio on "html table sorting columns"
thanks for the confirmation. and i really appreciate you running by the team.
View Articlebusraozakan on "Why wordads earning too less?"
Hi, I want you to explain that how is my ad showing number not parallel to my earnings? There must be something wrong? A hunderd of ad views must not be equal to 13$... It must be equal to at least...
View Articlerobertrife on "How do I discover who actually visits my blogs?"
Not a problem as much as a curiosity. I'd love to know who is visiting. Is it possible to discover that through Gravatar or some other means or is it confidential for their sake?
View Articlenliworship on "Why are people complaining that my website is too small and...
People can't view my blog.
View Articlehaitiholocaust on "How do calculate # of visitors"
Thank you for adding # of visitors to the stats. I have noticed that sometimes the # of countries exceeds the # of visitors and am wondering how that is possible, i.e today I had only one visitor but...
View Articlecristinasbookreviews on "How to match posts to my tabs"
After I posted the comment about asking for an easier way...I figured it out and completely by accident. LOL!! Just to be me posting the reviews under the tab no one can see those reviews...
View Articleqyzbud on "Is there a way to disable the Jetpack Notification hotkeys?"
I'd like to disable the Jetpack Notification hotkeys — specifically the 'show notifications' function mapped to the 'n' key. Is there a way to do this? If not, I think this should be made possible via...
View Articleqyzbud on "Is there a way to disable the Jetpack Notification hotkeys?"
Note: the WordPress install my query regards is actually at, while the URL above is my current hand-coded website.
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