lwvbrook on "Cancelling vote20xxinfo.com"
Thank You for quickly resolving this issue. Sanford Ostroy, Thursday, Jan. 24, 11:46AM
View Articlecatrymer on "Switched my theme, lost my ads?"
Hi there, WordAds offers one-on-one support by email. Please contact: http://wordads.co/contact/ Cheers!
View Articleoapadmin on "can 2 domain names point to 1 blog?"
THANKS! It was a cache problem- works great!!
View Articlecatrymer on "How do I move my email subscribers from my wordpress.com site to...
Hi there, I can move your subscribers for you. Right now I see you have Jetpack activated, but it appears to be on a development domain rather than your site's actual domain. Could you disconnect and...
View Articlecatrymer on "why aren't my images displaying?"
Hi there, I responded to your question in your other thread at http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/why-arent-my-photos-being-displayed?replies=2. I see the images are now displaying on your site; I'm...
View Articlecatrymer on "Domain upgrade"
Hi there, Even if you map your blog to your custom domain, readers will still be able to access your blog through homemakerchic.wordpress.com. The domain you set as 'primary' will be the one that ends...
View Articlecatrymer on "What happened to the available site I was trying to set up? (not...
Hi there, It looks like you successfully activated two of your five sites. You are currently listed as the blog owner for: clase22.wordpress.com clase23.wordpress.com These three blogs are still...
View Articlekathrynwp on "iTunes - Podcast without image present"
Thank you for the link. Are you using Feedburner to create your podcasts?
View Articleaf10512 on "iTunes - Podcast without image present"
No, i use Audacity to record and generate the mp3 for my podcast. I use
View Articlekathrynwp on "iTunes - Podcast without image present"
It looks like your reply got cut off.
View Articlecatrymer on "Discontinuing one blog but using the URL as new primary blog?"
Hi there, I can help you update your domain mapping. Could you confirm for me that you are trying to move your mapped domain, skills2competema.com, off of skills2competema.wordpress.com and on to...
View Articlekathrynwp on "Can I change my name?"
You can change your blog name by following these instructions: Changing a Blog Address If you need any help, just let us know.
View Articlekathrynwp on "Why can't I change the colors of Header any more?"
Hi there - would it be possible to upload a screenshot of what you're seeing in the dashboard to help in troubleshooting? Here's a guide on how to make a screenshot, if you're not sure:...
View Articleshareksolutions on "Where can I find the IP address for my own domain?"
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm trying to complete the DNS fields required to transfer my domain from the (lame) GoDaddy web builder site to WordPress. I need the A field, right? A website X.X.X.X...
View Articlezandyring on "Eliminate social media duplicate posts."
It was a long gap, and I apologize! But I'm really glad to hear that this has cleared up for you!
View Articleaf10512 on "iTunes - Podcast without image present"
No, I use Audacity to record and generate the mp3 for my podcast. I use Feedburner to create the feed to iTunes. Do you think the file has something to do with it? I know fo the mp3 file I have an...
View Articlecatrymer on "Gallery Images not showing in subscriber emails"
Hi there, If you don't insert the images into your post, then they cannot be sent out to your subscribers as they are not part of the post content. However, one of Jetpack's great features, Photon,...
View Articlecatrymer on "Why are video too wide and images in pages squished in from the...
Hi there, Could you point me to an example video and an example image that are showing this problem? Thanks!
View Articlechewa on "No pro bundle activation possible"
Correct! Thank you very much for the support!
View Articlefrazzeedavislangbein on "Delete Posted on [Date]"
How do I remove the "posted on [Date]"? I've looked in several forums and gotten advice on how to do it in the code, but I am unable to access the code from my dashboard. For example, in the code it...
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