frazzeedavislangbein on "Delete Posted on [Date]"
How do I remove the "posted on [Date]"? I've looked in several forums and gotten advice on how to do it in the code, but I am unable to access the code from my dashboard. For example, in the code it...
View Articlecatrymer on "Question about site titles"
Hi there, is automatically stripping the extra spaces from your title. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell it not to do that. Your best option is to edit your header image to include...
View Articlekathrynwp on "Picture Posts"
Hi there - when a theme shows a "read article" link, it means it's displaying post excerpts instead of the full post. Images aren't displayed in post excerpts in WordPress, so that would explain what...
View Articlerichielmt on "Gallery Images not showing in subscriber emails"
I will attempt it, but i have one question. How does it effect my ability to pull down my entire site if my images are being served up from another location?
View Articlerichielmt on "Gallery Images not showing in subscriber emails"
Oops one more question, if i activate it will i have any problem deactivating it? Thank you.
View Articlezandyring on "Pay Pal button"
Hi there, I was reading the documentation in regard to that, but after conferring with some colleagues, you should be able to use the buy now option as well. I just ran through the steps using the "buy...
View Articlezandyring on "twitter and tumblr followers not showing on Blog followers"
Hi there, I did some digging on my end too, and saw that there was some work being done that resulted in a dip in numbers - but as you say, it should be fixed now! You might see a bit of flux as things...
View Articlekathrynwp on "iTunes - Podcast without image present"
Have you set your podcast image in Feedburner with Feedburner's "Feed Image Burner" tool - or in some other way?...
View Articlecatrymer on "I want the title in the title bar, not in custom header?"
Hi there, You can report issues with your Premium Theme to the Premium Themes forum where it will be reviewed directly by the theme's author:
View Articlezandyring on "Images n displaying correctly"
Hi again Amy, This will help you to add a Facebook link to a text widget on your homepage: Let me know if you get stuck on any of...
View Articlecatrymer on "Publicidad de otros en mi blog que confunde al lector"
Hi there, The WordAds program is for folks who want to put ads in their blog to share the revenue. The information you found is letting you know that you must own a domain if you want to participate in...
View Articlephiliparthurmoore on "Website shows translucent dropdown menu in Interent...
Hi @kenniswerf. Thanks a ton for bringing this to our attention. The bug has been fixed and your submenus should look fine now. If there's any additional help you need with Opti feel free to post it to...
View Articlecatrymer on "Images"
Hi there, Do you mean you want your post's images to appear next to your site's title in the header? If so then unfortunately that is not the way this theme's layout is designed....
View Articlecatrymer on "Video Upload"
Hi there, I don't see an obvious reason why you wouldn't be able to upload your videos. Could you tell me more about the machine you are uploading from? Could/have you tried uploading from a different...
View Articlecatrymer on "Browser upgrade"
Hi there, Are you getting this message when you log in to WordPress specifically? Could you take a screenshot for me the next time you see it? You can upload that to your media library and leave a link...
View Articlebradleywdeacon on "Linking Linkedin via publicize wont list followers"
linkedin followers to not link I have followed the disconnect and connect linkedin steps over 10 times to the letter and my Linkedin followers do not appear on the stats of followers. What is wrong....
View Articlecatrymer on "Can you help me retrieve a post I mistakenly deleted?"
Hi there, It looks like you've retrieved your page as I now see a very long page named Tarot on your site. Are you still having a problem with this? Best.
View Articlewildcanine on "Can you help me retrieve a post I mistakenly deleted?"
I ended up re-writing it. But for the future, if it happened again - is there a chance of retrieving it from a previously saved draft?
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