I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain gabi.blog.br but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
gpagliucas on "Add DNS record for gabi.blog.br"
skinnyjane123 on "Featured Image"
The featured image is repeating underneath itself - how can I fix this?
confidentlygoing on "Drag-and-Drop Theme?"
I'm very new to this and wondering if there are any drag-and-drop themes available on wordpress.com? From what I've read, it seems like this might be easier for me to visually layout, as opposed to using bits of code to customize... Thanks in advance!
mplangan22 on "My theme offers a setting so that posts are displayed as either a summary or"
My theme offers a setting so that posts are displayed as either a summary or the entire post. When I choose summary and save it, it doesn't work. My homepage has the whole article displayed and it's much to long.
madranchwife on "My upgrade to Word Press Premium"
HI. I just upgraded to Word Press Premium so I could add videos. However, when I try to add a video I continue to get an error message that tells me this is not possible. How do I fix this?
lukemanalive on "Can you fix my blog loading issue?"
When I first open a web browser and go to my blog, http://www.brokencrowns.com it loads fine. As soon as I go into the dashboard and change anything, and go to either view the blog or type the address into a new tab, it will not load. It is a blank page, and the browser tells me it is thinking but nothing happens. I have tried this in Firefox, IE and Chrome.
shaynemasonvincent on "No ads upgrade problems"
No Ads upgrade still showing ads on my website
shaynemasonvincent on "No ads upgrade problems"
I purchased the no ads upgrade for 30$ but am still seeing ads on my site. Does it take time? Or is it not working correctly?
atroposthreads on "Help with making my gallery page the home page of my site."
How do I make my gallery page the home page? I'd like people to immediately see pictures of my work when they type in atroposthreads.com. Currently, the blog is the home page.
iqrajavaid on "Unable to see plugin option - .org domain recently purchased - Please help!!!"
I just purchased the domain "iqrajavaid.org" so that i can effectively use plugins and other options that are only a part of .org domains. Unfortunately, even after purchasing, i am still unable to access plugin options. Please let me know what am i missing here. Why my dashboard address is not upgraded accordingly as i believe that it has to be updated after purchasing. Waiting for your response.
theinboxjaunt on "Paid Tutorials on WordPress.com"
Can I set up tutorials on my blog that require payment to view?
khanhharoy on "Deactivate the theme"
Please help, I transfered my full frame into my oxxoxo.wordpress.com but it doesnt work, just say: Before you transfer to another blog, you'll first need to deactivate the theme from the original blog's dashboard. Then reload this page and try the transfer. Note: theme options and settings will not transfer to the new blog. I cant find this setting on my dashboard in anywhere, original or new blog, whatsoever. Please help me to remove this theme so I can be abale to get the other one. Thank you so much
homeschoolinghelicoptermama on "How can I get rid of followers I do not want following my blog?"
I do not want my blog posts emailed to followers, as there are "subscribers" I absolutely do not want reading my posts. How can I stop my blog posts from being emailed to followers?
agypsy on "Delete or hide timestamp an date from posts"
I'm using the theme "Visual" and I'd really like to hide the timestamp and date from my posts. I went through the other questions here and can't seem to do it for the theme i've chosen. Could you help?
lynnawiensmd on "Color of title and subtitle"
color change won't work. My custom design is active, but I can't get the color on my title and subtitle to change?
rivrr on "Delete "Wordpress" footer in the Nishita theme."
How do I remove the "Blog at wordpress" line from the page in the Nishita theme? I've seen a discussion on how to remove from other themes, but Nishita doesn't seem to have the same options under "customize theme."
rivrr on "Delete "Wordpress" footer in the Nishita theme."
... there is no "editor" tab in the dashboard appearance tab in Nishita.
felipefmenezes on "Domain .com.br maping"
Hi i need yout help to map a zone record for my domain http://www.movieme.com.br i did all the steps fine but it doesn't work...
rivrr on "Delete "Wordpress" footer in the Nishita theme."
I see a thread saying that we can't remove the footer. But my footer is right through the middle of my homepage image. I'll have to switch themes I guess if I can't get it out of the middle of my page.
hazelwoodel on "wrong name"
My blog came up as HazelwoodEarlyLearningdotcom.wordpress.com instead of HazelwoodEarlyLearning.com
Also, please delete URLs blue-j5.wordpress.com and hazelwoodearlylearning.wordpress.com