kardotim on "I keep getting a domain map redirect error, and have tried...
I'm sorry, please note that DNS records changes might take up to 24-48 hours before they are fully propagated. Feel free to send us a screenshot when it's not working tomorrow Sorry for the...
View Articlekardotim on "IP address"
Individual blogs don't have an IP address. What's your intension? If you want to map an existing domain go to Store > Domains on your blog's dashboard and follow the steps there. Please take a look...
View Articlesllacik on "I cannot seem to preview a post before I publish it."
I do click on the save draft button, and then press preview, and get redirected to "page not found." I have had this problem ever since I changed my domain; it was fine before.
View Articletherevampedgoddess on "Delete Registered Name"
i purchased a domain name, sexydiscourse.com, and wish to delete it. I've already cancelled the automatic annual renewal. Are there any other steps I need to take?
View Articledredgecycle on "Liberate subscriptions from widget to shortcode?"
Hi Jetpack Support! First, thanks for all the remarkable features you've clearly been pounding away at these last several months. I'm writing only because I find myself working on a mostly widget-less...
View Articlemcihawaii on "How do I view my payments?"
How do I view a statement of payment? For my company, I need a billing statement.
View Articlehomesickchef on "No confirmation received when opted to follow blog."
My husband and I both clicked the follow button and received a message stating we would receive an email confirmation. We did not received the confirmation. Why not? Thanks!
View Articlehomesickchef on "password protected blog access"
If I password protect a blog and give others the password, can they access the blog without registering with wordpress?
View Articlekardotim on "I want to move the hosting of my site from Heart to Wordperss"
Looks like your domain is not pointing to WordPress.com name servers yet. Please go to your domain registrar's site and log into the control panel. You will need to update the name servers as below:...
View Articlekardotim on "How does it take to pay the refund after cancelation?"
Your bundle excluding your domain registration, mapping and private registration has been canceled and refunded as requested.
View Articlemochilaotrip on "How to transfer subscribers from wordpress.com to...
I need help for transfering my subscribers from wordpress.com to wordpress.org. I already have an csv file with their emails, but I can't import them. Can anyone in the support help me with it? Mi blog...
View Articlekardotim on "Unable to authorize Google Apps"
It seems you're receiving the confirmation e-mail on the e-mail address that isn't active yet. Could you please start the whole process from the beginning and follow the exact steps mentioned in this...
View Articlekardotim on "Display problems"
It seems your domain (normasherryonloveandloss.com) points to a self-hosted WordPress.org site now. Did you perhaps move your site away from WordPress.com? Is there anything else I can help you with?...
View Articlenyoverheard on "when I log onto my blog, the images are corrupted"
thanks very much; please let me know if you need additional technical information.
View Articlekardotim on "Can't make initial connection to WordPress.com?"
Could you please check if the debug.log file has the proper (write) permission rights? Please make sure you set the permissions to 666, 777 or check all 'write' checkboxes when viewing the file's...
View Articleverycunning on "Can't make initial connection to WordPress.com?"
Yes, when I created the file I set it to 666.
View Articlekardotim on "Can't make initial connection to WordPress.com?"
Could you make it 777, just to be sure? you can also (temporarily) enable the WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to see if it's working properly.
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