coffeemanmatt on "can you help me check out of the wordpress store"
Hi there, I think this might be a recent issue with Internet Explorer 9. Can you try using either Firefox or Chrome and see if you can buy the upgrade? You can get either browser at If...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "This is getting very frustrating. I have been trying for...
Hi there, I think this might be a recent issue with Internet Explorer 9. Can you try using either Firefox or Chrome and see if you can buy the upgrade? You can get either browser at If...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Why is the web page for my blog not available?"
Hi, I've contacted you via our ticketing system to provide you with some more details about this issue. Can you please check your inbox? Thanks!
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Posterous import not working properly"
Hi, I'm sorry about this - sometimes the importer gets stuck or times out. I've cancelled the job - can you please try the Posterous import again? The importer will skip any posts already imported....
View Articlebryanvillarin on ""You have failed to authenticate with the API""
Thanks! Can you try deactivating Jetpack, download a fresh ZIP file of Jetpack, then upload the Jetpack plugin folder manually via (S)FTP?...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "This is getting very frustrating. I have been trying for...
We've fixed this issue, so you can continue using IE9 for purchases. Sorry about the trouble!
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "can you help me check out of the wordpress store"
We've fixed this issue, so you can continue using IE9 for purchases. Sorry about the trouble!
View Articleunit076 on ""You have failed to authenticate with the API""
Do you mean by that is to replace the old Jetpack files? If yes, okay... I have tried deactivating Jetpack, downloaded the fresh new file, uploaded the plugin via FTP and replaced the old one, but...
View Articlesatsumaillini on "Thinking of Getting Pinboard Theme"
It will be difficult for me to purchase it if I don't know for sure if i'm going to be able to change it or not. I'll pass on it I guess.
View Articlejoeloliveirapsi on "why doesnt the site open"
sorry for taking so long to reply, been busy. i followed your instructions and nothing changed. i found i cant access the site from the dashboard, i have to sign out, view it and then sign in again to...
View Articleloanselectcairns on "I don't understand this email. How do we do this."
Thank you for all your support. You helped alot. We are on the right track now.
View Articlelifetripp on "Posting in other Pages of my Blog"
May i Post my Posts in any other Page of my Blog and not only into the Home Page? Blog url:
View Articlelifetripp on "Posting in other Pages of my Blog"
Can I post my Posts in any other Page in my Blog, or only in my Home Page? Thanks
View Articlemariefrydman on "how to change the size of my blog's title?"
The writing doesn't appear on my blog as on the theme (thinner on my blog) Blog url:
View Articlecrossfitostersund on "How do I use the Guided Transfer when I have a host...
I'd like some help to transfer my content from to, and would like to use you Guided Transfer. I have already set up a web hotel at a new host (, so it should all...
View Articledescentco on "change of IP address"
Hi I have an externally hosted domain name and email addresses. I have updated the MX code in your custom DNS but the email still won't work. I contacted my domain provider and they advised me that I...
View Articlesoundznice on "Very slow loading/freeze with Typekit custom font on"
Hello Bryan, I succeed to replicate the issue, the last few days were fine but today it did it again - I was logged in to my admin console and then i did a preview of my website and it happened - The...
View Articlejenia on "доменное имя"
Hi there, we are looking into this at the moment. Our current automatic receipts do not include a stamp/logo, and it takes some time to make a change. Thank you for your patience!
View Articlejenia on "How do I use the Guided Transfer when I have a host that's not...
I am sorry, Guided Transfer is only available for the customers moving the recommended hosts as listed. If your host is not on the list, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you. We have a guide listing...
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