kardotim on "Do I need to change my A record as well as nameservers?"
Yes, please remove the A record. It seems your nameservers aren't set yet: http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools#dnsReport|type=domain&&value=cricketweek.co.uk Please make sure that the nameservers are...
View Articleshrinkingpsychologist on "why is the title of my most recent post not showing...
Thank you. I had no idea about any of that so its good to know. Suzanne
View Articlerrosen1 on "Reblog"
This is the link I was trying to reblog http://wp.me/sTx0t-714 and this was the destination. http://www.appleledgephotography.com I have never done a successful reblog
View Articlemmtread on "Why am I getting unusually high activity on one post?"
I have a post that was published back in November, and which got maybe 10-12 views/week on average. Suddenly, the views have skyrocketed almost 1,200%. It hasn't been reblogged anywhere, and the views...
View Articlecsonnek on "Subscription issues"
I sent you a separate email requesting some more information. Please let me know if you haven't received this email. Thanks!
View Articleclub3sixty on "Base background colour change"
Hi, Could you please how can I change base background colour in Twenty Ten Theme using CSS coding, as the other option is not available with this theme. Thank you
View Articleamightywp on "Add DNS record for cpp-css.cl"
Hi there, You're all set! I've gone ahead and set a zone file for your domain! Please keep in mind that zone files are like all other DNS, it can take between 1 and 48 hours for it to propagate...
View Articleamightywp on "Mapping an existing domain to wordpress blog"
Hi there! I apologize! I mis-typed when I put in weimarstudies. You can absolutely point "blog.jochenhung.de" and point it towards "jochenhung.wordpress.com." There is no way for you to create a CNAME...
View Articlethehappynomads on "Can I redirect a .com purchased domain to a .blogspot.com...
I need to transfer traffic to my new blog because I am unable to transfer the domain. I have a .com domain purchased through WordPress. Can I direct the traffic from my .com to a .blogspot.com address?
View Articlemacmanx on "Transfer of upgrades"
Ok, those can be transferred. Specifically, which upgrades to you want to transfer to which blogs? And, please provide the blog URLs.
View Articlekardotim on "Why won't Site Redirect redirect to my Behance site?"
It seems adding a hash (#) to your address resolved the issue. If you still see the old redirect, then please try clearing out your cache. Sorry for the inconvenience.
View Articlejessiewhitmill on "Transferring Domains"
I want to cancel my wordpress.com blog to transfer to wordpress.org, but use the same domain. I do not need a guided transfer because I want to start fresh with the content. Do I need to buy hosting...
View Articlelostlifefound on "Embedded youtube video has no sound"
I am embedding a youtube video into a blog via iPhone 4S. The video plays perfectly via youtube. There is no sound via the embedded version in WordPress.
View Articlemacian50 on "Can I download jpeg files from WordPress as I can video files?"
Can I download jpeg files from WordPress as I can download video files?
View Articlemacmanx on "How can I restore a published post that reverted to draft form?"
Sure, just edit the post in question and hit the blue Publish button. If it was published before, it won't send out a new email. More than likely, the Likes will be restored, but if they aren't, there...
View Articlemacmanx on "PalPal Does not Create Email Code"
Are you trying to add a Donate button? If so, please make sure that you follow the guide at http://en.support.wordpress.com/paypal/ I have just confirmed that the guide is accurate.
View Articlemacmanx on "Restarting a deleted new group blog"
I'm sorry, but deleted blogs cannot be restored or reused. Deleting a blog is permanent and the name cannot be used again. There are several warnings about this on the Tools -> Delete Site page and...
View Articlemacmanx on "How do I delete a page that doesn't show up in the edit pages...
What is the title of the page you're referring to?
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