zandyring on "images different"
If you open the gallery to edit it, you can re-arrange the image tiles by dragging-and-dropping them into the order you would like to see the images in. You can change the number of columns in that...
View Articleinfotoon on "images different"
the text in the gallery is too small to read. That's what I need to figure out the correct order.
View Articleyogimommi on "point wordpress domain to blogger"
Hello again! I hope you and your family have had a nice holiday season. Now that you mention it, I did actually mess around in that area a bit as I had decided to point my domain back at my...
View Articlekathrynwp on "Redirecting my WordPress blog"
Hi there - it sounds like what you're actually trying to do is update your name servers, rather than mapping a custom domain to your site. Could you please explain your end goal in more detail? Are you...
View Articledianeeugster on "transfer my subscribers"
Kathy, I went to my dashboard - settings on and changed to lowercase. I hope things work now. I still don't know why when I go to there is Rag Dolls Rising listed twice...
View Articlekathrynwp on "transfer my subscribers"
I went to my dashboard - settings on and changed to lowercase. I hope things work now. Thanks - that did the trick. I've gone ahead and transferred over your email subscribers to the new...
View Articlemlasbry on "Add DNS record for"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articleeatprayride on "Problem formatting custom menu"
Thanks so much for taking care of that for me! You ROCK! I'll be sure to fill out the support experience survey. :) One more question. The "Other resources" tab in the menu is a custom link to my...
View Articlegoodshots on "Photography theme -"
Hi, I did it the way you described above and it worked, but, today, I've added an new picture and... it doesn't work!!! I'm not really happy with wordpress and I'm thinking seriously to cancel my...
View Articleadelynbaber on "Add DNS record for"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articleadalauk on "Add DNS record for"
hi, the custom domain name is
View Articlegoodshots on "Photography theme -"
one comment. this is the text behind: [gallery type="slideshow" ids="1246,1245,1243,1242,1244,1239,1237,1232,1347,1726"] as you can see, it should be displayed a slideshow, but, nothing happens. I...
View Articlestebet on "Add DNS record for"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me? My registrar needs a proper PTR record or they will park my...
View Articlestebet on "Add DNS record for"
Blog url: (that's what has been mapped to).
View Articlekristjfr on "Missing PTR record from"
My local registrar ( has informed me that on of your name servers ( is not providing a valid PTR record. I'm currently using ns1 and ns2 servers as DNS and I have tried to...
View Articlekathrynwp on "Why is Jetpack resizing my images?"
Hi there - thanks again for reporting this issue. It's fixed in Jetpack version 2.1, which is currently in Beta 1 release.
View Articlekathrynwp on "Problem formatting custom menu"
My pleasure! Yes, you can set a menu link to open in a new window. First you need to display the "Link target" field, by following the instructions under "Can I configure link targets?" here:...
View Articlekathrynwp on "Add DNS record for"
It looks like is already registered through us and mapped to your site, which is visible here: You don't need anything else, as far as I can see. Your zone...
View Articlezandyring on "images different"
Hi again, Ah I see. Ok! No problem! So you're seeing these as pretty small because Gallery images are set to thumbnail size until they're viewed in the Carousel. You can adjust this size in Dashboard...
View Articlezandyring on "point wordpress domain to blogger"
Hi again Rebecca, So it does sound like you triggered a lock by changing your name. Please send an email from the original email address on file for the domain and include the following information:...
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