This is a public site but when people click on the hyperlink the username/password page comes up
I'm not seeing this behaviour at my end. It looks like you only reset your site's privacy to public 20 hours ago. Are you still seeing the login page now? If so, could you please try clearing your browser cache and cookies?
when I go to google search It stil has the original caption that has been edited
You'll need to wait until Google reindexes your site, which is at their discretion. You could try requesting a reindex by following these instructions:
Also when you click on my url in google it take me to an empty page and not page one any tips?
Could you please send me a link to the Google search engine results page so I can see what you mean? I searched for your URL in Google and clicked on it, but it went to your site correctly.
I can not get sharing buttons to show.
Are you still having trouble with this? I see sharing buttons on your posts. Most of the sharing buttons can only be activated if the site is not set to private status. Since you only recently updated your site's status to public, that's likely the cause.