I will definitely do that! Thanks so much for your help!
wliau on "Wordpress app Reader not working on iPad/iphone"
csonnek on "Wordpress app Reader not working on iPad/iphone"
You're welcome! :)
malamahuleia on "WHERE IS MY DOMAIN CREDIT?"
macmanx on "HELP! I am locked out from my domain manager"
They have finally unlocked your account!
Your account was previously locked due to several failed login attempts.
Please try the password that I sent you in the email. If it doesn't work, let me know.
aimeestgermain on "Custom Design Package Upgrade"
I am considering purchasing the Custom Design bundle for my blog, Cooking the Strip - http://www.cookingthestrip.com I want to know how customizeable my blog will be once I purchase the upgrade. Can I change colors, adjust font sizes? Can I change the theme organization and spacing between various elements? Can I change the header/banner image size? Also, am I restricted to fonts available through WordPress or is it possible to upload different custom fonts? I am looking fonts called "Matilde" and "Swiss721 BT"
I have also seen other blogs that appear to use custom fonts, but as the blog page is loading, it seems that the custom fonts don't load immediately, and appear in a default before switching over to the custom design. Would this happen with this scenario?
Thank you for your assistance.
Aimee St.Germain
bjjscandinavia on "HELP! I am locked out from my domain manager"
Hey MacManx, it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a big THANK YOU!!! I originally put the password you sent me via email yesterday, but remembered that I saved another one yesterday. So I saved a new one now and I am in the domain manager!!!! This is great!! thanks for your help, will make sure not to make the same mistake again!!!! Take care and thanks again for your time and help!!!!
macmanx on "Custom Design Package Upgrade"
Out of all you have listed, you can do everything except greatly alter the organization of the theme and provide your own fonts.
You can preview everything at Appearance -> Custom Design in your blog's Dashboard. You would need to buy the upgrade to save changes, but you can preview for free.
Regarding fonts not loading immediately, this is normal. If the font does not already exist on the visitor's system, it has to be downloaded by the browser before displaying, but it usually takes less than a second. Most people don't even notice it. For example, these forums also use a webfont.
macmanx on "HELP! I am locked out from my domain manager"
You're welcome!
amightywp on "Heading and description format changed"
Hi Rick,
For some reason the screenshot which you sent doesn't seem to have been uploaded right to Evernote. Here's what I see:
amightywp on "Heading and description format changed"
Also, so you know, a good portion of the office is out today and through the weekend, so if you don't hear back until Monday, that will be why!
I just wanted you to know.
amightywp on "Adding third-party (non-paypal) donation button/tracker bar to blog"
Hi there,
In order to change the images' borders so that they are black and the captions are white, you will need to have the Custom Design package and will need to modify your site's CSS. This add-on will also let you modify the appearance of your site in any number of other ways so that it is more yours.
For more information on the Custom Design add-on, you can click here:
And if you do decide to purchase the Custom Design add-on, you may need help with the CSS code to make the changes you want to your site! We've created a forum specifically for that, and you can look through it right here:
everydaypriestess on "Added user can't access site."
I just tried to add teresalindberg, but I get the message "User already has a role on your site."
centurionoftheseed on "Heading and description format changed"
Sorry about the screenshot--not sure what happened there. Before I understood where to submit a help request online, I sent an email to [email redacted]. After I didn't hear back at first, I went to the forum and posted there. Anyway, just wanted to make that clear so that you didn't think I had lost confidence in you. ;o) Anyway, Ben contacted me and we had a few email exchanges as well (and I filled him on on our exchanges).
The first link below is a summary of screenshots for where we are now. As you will see, I finally found a screenshot for the correct version. As I mentioned before, that etched border threw me off so much that I didn't remember there being a white background--but you were right, there was (which I came around to agreeing to). In any case, I just feel better that I found the original so we can all see what it's supposed to look like. The second link is to follow up on your request for the full site (I hope the link works this time). And below the second link is the most recent exchange between Ben and me. He came up with a suitable workaround for now, and he had identified the bug.
Also, I appreciate the follow-up on the weekend deal. I cannot say enough good things about your support!! Please let me know your thoughts on the bug he has identified, but no hurry. :o)
Below is the most recent exchange:
Hi, Ben.
Sure, that will be fine for now. I'd like to see it fixed because the original looks better, but at least it doesn't have that etched border around it anymore--that looks awful! By the way, how did you get rid of that border? I suspect that must have been a coding change?
Any idea how long it will be before the bug is fixed? I'm just curious--I'm not going to hold you to anything. ;o)
Thanks again for all your help!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben - WordPress.com [mailto:[email redacted]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 8:15 PM
To: [email redacted]
Subject: [#1497421]: RE: [WordPress.com] Payment receipt - The Fraudulent 5
> The font for the website title was showing correctly earlier today, so that default change is not correct. Secondly, I could see something breaking if it were that way from the beginning, but I always had that many posts on the page. For this type of site, I want everything to be on one page only--and all that worked perfectly until sometime within the last week.
Hi Rick,
Ok sorry about breaking your title font there. Thanks for fixing it.
I think the issue with the background colour is happening as a result of a bug in the webkit rendering engine. I have identified the bug and created test cases for it. This means that the bug will happen in Chrome and Safari browser which use the webkit engine.
If you look in Firefox for example you can see that it is not broken.
This has not happened as a result of changes made on WordPress.com, it will have happened from an automatic update to your browser. I will be reporting the bug to webkit to help them to fix it, but I unfortunately it's out of my hands to fix - we'll have to wait until the developers for the webkit engine fix it.
In the meantime I have put in a workaround - there used to be a white border around this box. By removing this border, the background now shows! I hope this is a satisfactory solution for now.
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Ben | Happiness Engineer | WordPress.com
designsimply on "Heading and description format changed"
Can you please try the following steps?
Does the display still look off to you after that? If yes, can you please try these steps as well?
- Go to the Posts section in your dashboard and find the "Rain or Shine" post
- Change the post status to "Draft" and save changes (you can change it back after the test)
- Clear your browser cache
- View http://fraudulent5.com/
Does the display still look off to you after that?
I tested http://fraudulent5.com/ Chrome 25, Firefox 19.0.2, and Safari 6.0.2 without any display problems after the "Rain or Shine" post was modified.
Note: I was the one that modified the post before. Apologies for doing it without checking with you first. It did seem like a clear problem to me and I did test the solution and the home page was fixed for every browser I tested with on my Mac after making the change. Also, note that you can review all changes to posts any time by looking at the post revisions.
Here is what I currently see for http://fraudulent5.com/ using Chrome 25:
centurionoftheseed on "Heading and description format changed"
Hi, Designsimply.
No worries on the post modification--I'm just I got a "new post" email that had all the pictures in it so I could compare. Just out of curiosity, how did you get that to register as "new post" so I'd get the original before removing the pics?
Anyway, I tried your steps above but to no avail. Appreciate the ongoing effort though! :o)
designsimply on "Heading and description format changed"
Just out of curiosity, how did you get that to register as "new post" so I'd get the original before removing the pics
I didn't. I'm not sure why that happened actually. Can you tell me the exact date/time for that email?
Anyway, I tried your steps above but to no avail. Appreciate the ongoing effort though! :o)
Thanks for testing. I can still see the "Rain or Shine" post. Did you re-publish it after the 2nd set of steps? No problem if you did, I just want to check that you removed the post and checked to make sure it was gone after reloading http://fraudulent5.com/
I'll see if can find someone to help test IE9 since I am traveling right now and don't have access to Windows at the moment.
It kind of sounds to me like the issue was fixed by the content change in the "Rain or Shine" post and you are looking at a cached version of the home page—but you should have already tested against that by changing the "Rain or Shine" post to a draft and confirming it did not appear on the home page.
centurionoftheseed on "Heading and description format changed"
Below is a screenshot of the email header about the new post. Yes, I republished "Rain or Shine" after I followed your steps.
Yeah, it looks like it's working fine on IE 8 now, so something is definitely wrong on IE 9.
thesieveguy on "Is it possible to remove a blog that isn't mine?"
Okay, thank you. Can I get a refund of the domains I purchased then?
theinfosieve.com and
magayoso on "Add DNS record for escritoriozero.es"
Hi Kardotim,
Do I have to pay again to have my escritoriozero.es?
pedaiahswank on "DOMAIN CANCELLATION"
The reason why I want to cancel my domain name is so I can use the same domain else where because am really having a hard time to link my domain name to format website. Now if canceling the domain name is not going to allow me to use my own domain which I registered how is that fair. Because the whole point am canceling is so I can be able to link it to my website unless you can link to my website.