kathrynwp on "Re: Theme Options Error"
I'm sorry you're having trouble. Could you please let me know exactly which button or link you're clicking, on which page, when you get this blank page and error message? Could you provide a link to...
View Articleearlandothergreys on "How can I move my WordPress.com followers to my...
Ok now it should be activated. I didn't realize there was an additional step!
View Articlelenscaption on "Eliminate social media duplicate posts."
Hello. I'm sure all 10 of them will be fine ;) I just posted and it happened again! Here are the links: http://lenscaption.wordpress.com http://lenscaption.tumblr.com Thanks!
View Articlekathrynwp on "having trouble enabling the Jet Pack features"
Could you please try deactivating all your plugins and seeing if the error goes away? If it does, then reactivate each one-by-one and try Jetpack after each reactivation to find the culprit. To...
View Articletseward on "Unable to connect to WordPress due to self-signed certificate in...
So I am still running into the same issue. I downloaded the WordPress zip file again, grabbed wp-config-sample.php and modified that with my current wp-config values, then changed the file name and...
View Articleinfotoon on "images different"
Added a new page. Previously you click on an image and an arrow will scroll to the next. That's what I want, so it's consistent. The one I just added just brings up the picture. No simple way to get to...
View Articleinfotoon on "images different"
Added a new page. Previously you click on an image. The image is displayed in full size and an arrow will scroll to the next. That's what I want, so it's consistent. The one I just added just brings up...
View Articlebarkingspace on "Help with Scheduled Posts missing tags."
When i schedule posts, it seems to be stripped of my < highlight > codes. Seems to have happened after I upgraded to latest WP. Any ideas?
View Articlepanlyan on "my posts do not appear on my home page."
I was on squirrel mail. Can you tell me which option will get that running again? thx
View Articlezandyring on "Can I use different backgrounds for category archive pages?"
Hi there, Not so fast with the compliments! So, I took a closer look, and since the pages seem to all be the same "type" of page, it doesn't look like you can make the background different on different...
View Articlezandyring on "Comments not showing on my website"
Great! I'm glad it's working for you now!
View Articlekathrynwp on "Redirecting Individual URL's to a wordpress.org site."
Hi there, with the Site Redirect upgrade, individual pages and posts should automatically redirect fine from your .com site to your .org site as long as the permalink structure is the same on both...
View Articlezandyring on "my posts do not appear on my home page."
I'm not familiar with squirrel mail, but give these directions a try: http://en.support.wordpress.com/domains/add-email/add-other-email/ Let me know if you get hung up on a particular step!
View Articlekathrynwp on "SIdebar moved mysteriously. Need HTML help FAST!"
Hi Lorna - thanks for the screenshot. One thing you might try doing is deactivating all your Chrome extensions and seeing if that helps. If so, you can reactivate each one-by-one to determine which one...
View Articlelornasvoice on "SIdebar moved mysteriously. Need HTML help FAST!"
That sound ominous, but I'll give it a try.
View Articlewildironproducts on "Can't modify CSS to create a static home page."
Can't modify current theme, I just need the option for a static home page.
View Articleriverwayranchcamp on "Can I use different backgrounds for category archive...
Hahaha you've found my connection ;) Tank actually won best attempted mustache :) I was just throwing stuff around for this test version. How about for each category page can I upload my own banner or...
View Articleriverwayranchcamp on "Can I use different backgrounds for category archive...
Bascially what Im attempting to do is to be able to "post" on more than one page on my site, as I am going to have like 5-6 seperate parts of the site i'd like people to be able to click on and see all...
View Articlelornasvoice on "SIdebar moved mysteriously. Need HTML help FAST!"
I disabled the 4 I saw, refreshed the page, and it didn't make a difference. Now what?
View Articlemegandunncox on "unwanted links"
All the sudden words are being highlighted in the text of my blog and links are being added. I don't want these words highlighted as it detracts from the meaning, especially when the links lead to...
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