kathrynwp on "Outdated email account"
I've gone ahead and deleted both sites for you. User accounts can't be deleted, but you can take some steps outlined here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/deleting-accounts/ If you need help with...
View Articlejenia on "The best way to start over"
Good luck with your new blog, and let me know if you need further assistance!
View Articlekathrynwp on "Space upgrade already done in Oct, yet receiving message that I...
If you need anything else, just let us know.
View Articlebig10storage on "Contact form email notifications"
I cannot get the email notification from a contact form submission to go to the correct email address. Using WordPress 3.5 / Jetpack 2.0.2 / Colorway Theme 2.4 this form is not sending to the email...
View Articleintelfukko on "i dont want to break the links to my blog!!!!"
awesome! thanks. i think the other bundle bits can stay at the original blog. i just wanted the domain moved! PS: was there a way for me to do this myself? i was fumbling my way through but i couldn't...
View Articlekathrynwp on "i dont want to break the links to my blog!!!!"
awesome! thanks. i think the other bundle bits can stay at the original blog. i just wanted the domain moved! Great! PS: was there a way for me to do this myself? i was fumbling my way through but i...
View Articlebig10storage on "Contact form email notifications"
I found the solution here: http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/contact-form-cant-get-email-notifications-to-send-to-different-email-address?replies=5 “Nevermind. I found the problem. Here’s what’s up:...
View Articleadroidman on "Android Tablet does not use mobile theme"
I have activated your mobile theme but my Android Tablet does not display the theme. It only displays the full version. My Android phone does work so I know the theme is working. Is there anyway I can...
View Articleprovinceditalia on "Issues linking texts and pictures"
I realize a new post and the problem is still there. Only using text mode I can solve the situation. If it could be helpful, we could "open" a TeamViewer session while I'm writing a post. bye Paolo
View Articlejkudish on "How can I shrink (and keep it smaller) my visual editor box?"
Hi Cindy, This should be resolved now. Can you please try and let us know if the problem persists. If it does, can you please try clearing your cache & cookies and then trying again. If that still...
View Articlesuth2 on "Why won't my comments appear on my blog?"
Comments are not showing on my blog Suth2.wordpress.com I have tried all the troubleshooting suggestions but none appear to work. I think the problem may have started when I changed to the Cheer theme.
View Articlesuth2 on "Why won't my comments appear on my blog?"
I can see the comments if I bring a post up individually but not when there are several posts together as on my home page.
View Articleeatjapanchannel on "Refund for Domain Mapping purchase"
Hello, I recently purchased domain mapping for $13 per year. I thought this would automatically transfer all my exisiting posts and pages in WordPress to the new domain. Actually it didn't. How do I...
View Articleeatjapanchannel on "Refund for Domain Mapping purchase"
Hello, I recently purchased domain mapping for $13 per year. I thought this would automatically transfer all my exisiting posts and pages in WordPress to the new domain. Actually it didn't. How do I...
View Articlecongresoresidentes on "Add DNS record for...
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain congresoresidentes.mclementeeventos.com.ar but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articlelauracurry on "replacing links in the title page..."
Well...I removed my bio and CV in my title page as I was playing around, and now I can't replace them...! argggg. I THINK it is in a page function, but can't figure it out? I started all this hoo-haa...
View Articleshanklinmedia on "allow user submitted content"
I want to set up a virtual bulletin board and allow people to post flyers into presized ad spaces. They would need to make an account i assume since there would be an advertising fee. it would look...
View Articlemeekins on "I purchased a bundle but am being charged for domain"
Hello, I purchased the bundle, but when I go to register my domain meekinsphotography.com and fill out the form, I am charged AGAIN for the domain registry. I haven't completed the transaction because...
View Articlematthewwilder on "Jetpack seems to have killed my access to my blog"
I logged into my wordpress.org blog hosted on Network Solutions and I attempted to activate jetpack. Jetpack asked me to login in using my wordpress.com account, so I did and now when I try to login to...
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