kardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
I took a look and everything is working properly. Your current link colors are set to blue, which they are right now on your site. You can follow the exact steps in this guide to learn more about the...
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
I am not sure you fully read my issue...I reverted back to the free Brand New Day theme and yes my links are set to blue. The custom theme I purchased is called Lifestyle and it is not currently active...
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
I see. Could you please set the Lifestyle theme so I can take a look? Sorry for the inconvenience.
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
Okay...it is set back to Lifestyle for now...and the links seem to be set to olive green and are unchangeable???
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
The colors were reset when changing themes. Could you please try and set the colors again at https://dianedalenberg.wordpress.com/wp-admin/customize.php#color ? Once you're done you can click the [Save...
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
I don't get what I did wrong (because upon switching back and forth from themes I always attempted to recustomize the colors) but it seems to be working well now...thanks!
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
You're welcome. Happy weekend :)
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
One more question...I have a friend that wants to start a blog on WordPress using the free options. Do you have an easy one page doc that I could send her for how to start her own free WordPress blog??
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
They can signup at http://wordpress.com/signup If they are just starting out with WordPress.com, They may find our step by step guide to be helpful. In 10 quick steps, they'll learn about all the best...
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
Thank you! Also, can you tell me how I can remove the "Secondary Sidebar Widget Area" on my Resources page? It is annoying because I didn't select a widget yet it still displays the box and squishes my...
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
The secondary sidebar is gone now.
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
What did you do that I wasn't doing? Do I need to refresh or something after I make a change on the Dashboard? I thought change was immediate. And is it possible to widen the content area with this...
View Articlekardotim on "links color won't change even though the links circle changes...
When editing a page you can select a Layout Setting (located just below the Visual Editor). Yours was selected to show two sidebars. There are 5 layout options in total. You can learn more about the...
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
Thanks so much. I present my Master's Degree project next week and so needed to hear your feedback on the layout..thanks! I will play around with the layout options.
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
I was reading the Learn More section and found something under the Lifestyle Color Theme that doesn't seem to be available when I go back to edit my site...it says: You can also choose an appropriate...
View Articlelalx11 on "Add DNS record for allovusdotcom.wordpress.com"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain allovusdotcom.wordpress.com but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
I changed the layout and am now back to the same layout and my link colors are now unchangeable again??? How do I get them back to blue?
View Articledianedalenberg on "links color won't change even though the links circle...
Please help me get the Links customized color back to blue again...I am totally back to where I started and don't know how it was fixed in the first place???
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