verycunning on "Can't make initial connection to"
Hi, Yes, have tried with and without Akismet. Same result, unable to connect. I am running WP 3.4.2 and Jetpack 2.0. This is a priority matter for me, but unfortunately your reply was sent to my junk...
View Articlekabtrace on "Jetpack removes ads installed via wp-Insert"
Actually, it was just upgraded, but I hadn't applied the upgrade yet. Even after I do, Jetpack still blocks this plugin.
View Articlebocahealthcarecenter on "email and print not working"
oops I didn't realize this was the .com forums, thanks
View Articlerazor787 on "Cancel upgrade"
I got the Pro bundle yesterday, and I want to cancel the subscription. I clicked to cancel it several times, but it keeps saying active.
View Articlemetalbricklipstick on "My wordpress blog is redirecting to my old server?!...
My wordpress blog is going to an under construction page through network solutions. I have signed up for the pro bundle which is suppose to come with live phone support. How do I access this?!
View Articlemetalbricklipstick on "My wordpress blog is redirecting to my old server?!...
My wordpress blog is going to an under construction page through network solutions. I have signed up for the pro bundle which is suppose to come with live phone support. How do I access this?!
View Articlemarkslang on "Jetpack 2.0 kills dropdown menus"
I just upgraded to Jetpack 2.0 using the upgrade option on the plugins page. Immediately, the drop downs on my main menus stopped working. They started working again when I deactivated Jetpack. I...
View Articlehorsehavenabc on "flipping images"
When flipping an image in edit, the image flips, the screen goes opaque and then just grinds. The requested action never completes.
View Articleventouxfinisher on "Why does the Gravatar widget on my blog just show a weird...
I have exactly the same problem as this person: I tried everything suggested, and also tried clearing cache...
View Articlesimplysage on "Lot of trouble editing and writing posts from iPad"
I have great difficulty posting and editing from my ipad. I used to be able to do this with ease but cannot anymore. I have iPad2 and have done all the upgrading with software. Last summer when I got...
View Articleantikleidi on "export content to xml does not work"
Could you please send me again a manual export of the xml file ? It is time to migrate to As you told me, our site is too large to use the built-in export tool, so please help me. Best...
View Articlekardotim on "Can't make initial connection to"
This problem is high likely a PHP fatal error. Could you please contact your hosting provider and ask if they blocking certain connections, and what PHP version they are running? Sorry for the...
View Articleantikleidi on "export content to xml does not work"
>>Could you please send me again a manual export of the xml file ? >>It is time to migrate to If it is possible please send me only the new part of the xml file (you sent me...
View Articlegrassrootsep on "My blog was hacked"
Not under this account but I run a blog for when you type in the URL it says "hacked by hacker" I can't log in to the admin part either. what can I do?
View Articlehccpleasureteam on "Why is the post counter that appears when I publish a...
My post counter seems to be stuck at 60...the dashboard shows the correct number, but the one that pops up when you publish is stuck. Not a big deal. Is it because of different authors?
View Articleverycunning on "Can't make initial connection to"
phpinfo tells me that it is 5.2.9. What kind of connections could they be blocking? The more specific I can be with them the better. Is there anything else that phpinfo (or another call) can tell us?...
View Articlekardotim on "Can't make initial connection to"
PHP version seems right. Could you ask to check their PHP error log around the time that you try to connect Jetpack. (The PHP error log would be dependent on the host, and this would be the most useful...
View Articleurinsuranceagent on "SubMenu is Not saving...Why is this and I could not find...
Wow. So my submenu is not being saved. I use IE 9.
View Articlestyleprofiles on "My mapped domain to my website has stopped...
My site has stopped working. I had access for several weeks?
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