muiiio on "Is it really possible to connect Klout with self-hosted WP blogs...
I meant what is the URL that the request is coming from (I think that's what they were asking me, so that they could check whether it's not blocked). I also pointed them to this thread here and gave...
View Articlecharlottemartin2002 on "Problems with automatic link to Facebook page"
Will do. Stay tuned. Thanks!!
View Articlevictorruzanov on "I can"
download my own theme Blog url:
View Articletclevelanddds on "twenty eleven dark theme option and post visibility"
in the twenty eleven theme, my second post does not show unless i change my theme option from dark to light. All other pages and my first post is fine. Why is this happening. my blog is...
View Articlehindhobeika on "How can I pay for my renewal if I dont have an American account"
I cannot pay with my Lebanese mastercard or my german paypal account Blog url:
View Articleinkcaravan on "Why aren't WordPress emails coming through to me anymore?"
My comment notifications are no longer coming through to my email account. I have double checked my settings but everything appears to be as it should be. I would also like to be able to reply to a...
View Articlemeetookids on "menu buttons not linking"
Hi, two of my menu buttons are not linking. If you are on my site ( you will notice that the buttons "outside Melbourne" and "outside Victoria" are not linked... I have looked at all...
View Articlecydmadsen on "Why Are There Links To Ads When I've Paid For A No-Ad Upgrade?"
Howdy. I just made a blog post and several words I typed show up as links when clicked lead to advertisers. I've paid for an upgrade that is supposed to exclude advertising, and I don't like this one...
View Articlekirkwight on "Keeping stats while changing account"
Hello, I've realized that a client's Jetpack is connected to my own account, rather than their own (it's been like this for a few months now). If I just disconnect and then reconnect with...
View Articlemarvelousyou on "Why are my videos not embedding?"
I linked a video to post today, like I have four times before and it is only showing the link, not the thumbnail of the video. Why? Blog url:
View Articlemarvelousyou on "Why are my videos not embedding?"
It is now working... thanks cyberspace gods.
View Articlegirlinthesun on "Delete my domain"
I want to delete my domain completely so that my blog can be viewed from the address Blog url:
View Articlekleinfelther on "The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site...
Readers cannot post comments to our blog, The error message we get when we try to install jetpack is, "The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP...
View Articlelalagonca on "Jetpack won't connect to"
I've checked all files and nothing... Any other possible solution? I'll be out for the weekend so I won't be able to write in the forums. But I will check whatever you say and tell you next monday....
View Articlemuiiio on "Is it really possible to connect Klout with self-hosted WP blogs...
Update: My hosting provider said that the requests were identified by the system as "false positives" - they have now added an exception to their rules,. However, I'm getting a new error :)...
View Articlemuiiio on "Is it really possible to connect Klout with self-hosted WP blogs...
That is one long URL... Do you think the URL could give you more clarity? I am not sure whether I should post it here, however.
View Articlemuiiio on "Is it really possible to connect Klout with self-hosted WP blogs...
Curious info. My Blogs, as they appear on Notice how it says "My 17 posts" - the posts are actually 272... When I...
View Articlemuiiio on "Is it really possible to connect Klout with self-hosted WP blogs...
More info: All of the links under my blog (Dashboard, New post, Drafts, My 17 posts, Stats) link to my blog via https (SSL) - and I do not have an SSL certificate. The buttons, however (272 Posts, 87...
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