macmanx on "Youtube embedding issues"
Oh my, there's a lot going on behind the scenes here. Your browser is not only copying the link, but for some reason assigning the blue color to it. This is rather odd and annoying. Edit...
View Articleamightywp on "How to duplicate or separate some blog post onto different pages."
Hi there, Your best bet in these cases is to create a menu item which links directly to the categories which you have in mind. You can edit your menu right here:...
View Articleamightywp on "Facebook widget"
Hi there, I just went and took a look at your site, and it looks like your Facebook page is showing on it. Let me know if you're still having any issues!
View Articlemacmanx on "Time on stats page and links"
The URL is exactly what you see in your browser's address bar. So, the URL for "Focus" is listed as FOCUS-AMemoir, which is incorrect, that's not a URL. The other three links have correct URLs.
View Articleamightywp on "Menu"
Hi there, I went and took a look at your page, and it looks like you created custom links to pages which don't exist yet! What you can do instead is create pages at:...
View Articleandreweric on "Ads"
There are ads appearing on my blog and I would love to have them off. Can you please advise how I can go about doing so. Thank you.
View Articlemacmanx on "Can i add adsense code to my wordpress site?"
We do have an advertising program called WordAds, which you can read more about at Advertising outside of WordAds at is not allowed. For full details, please see:...
View Articlemacmanx on "Ads"
To support the service (and keep free features free), we sometimes run advertisements, and the agreement for this has been in our terms of service since 2006. We try hard to only run them in limited...
View Articleamightywp on "Can I change my custom domain name for my blog?"
Hi there, Domain names cannot actually be changed. They can only be canceled and then another (different) domain name purchased in its place. Further, domain names can only be refunded within 5 days of...
View Articleandreamgwilliams on "Time on stats page and links"
I know that the Focus-A Memoir is incorrect. I had to leave it since i was getting so frustrated. When I try to enter this into the link space it doesn't work. <SCRIPT charset="utf-8"...
View Articlethemakinghouse on "Facebook widget"
Thanks! Don't really get it, but it is showing now, so that's all good :)
View Articlehollybutlerphotography on "Mapping my domain to zenfolio"
Thanks, I will! I didn't see where I could type directly to staff until this morning :)
View Articlelaurasalas on "Videopress not working on about 1/4 of my videos."
OK, thanks. Converting seems to be working. But should I no longer use the Cyberlink Youcam program to make videos--is this going to keep happening? Is there a decent free webcam program that does not...
View Articleamightywp on "Facebook widget"
Excellent! I'm glad it's working. Let me know if you run in to any other problems!
View Articleopengateproject on "I've requested a refund TWICE"
How do I get a refund? I've been told to wait for an email, but it hasn't come. My account has been charged $99 already and I want a refund.
View Articlemacmanx on "Time on stats page and links"
That's not a URL, that's JavaScrip code. The only URL in there is...
View Articlepsykko666 on "Youtube embedding issues"
Awesome-sauce! That did the trick! Now, if I could only figure out why that just started happening . . .THANK YOU! You rock!
View Articlemacmanx on "Videopress not working on about 1/4 of my videos."
I'm not aware of webcam programs on Windows, so I wouldn't be able to suggest any. My best recommendation would be to just record with the program you like, convert the videos to MP4 with...
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