njohncurrin on "Using Scribefire with my new WordPress Domain...
Thank you for sticking with me and your advice. Have done this and am trying a change of email as well. Have done all that and still the same result. I add my blog to Scribefire and then Scribefire...
View Articlemaryfairchild on "Not Receiving Email Notifications for Feedback (Contact Form)"
No, I have not customized the email address that the form should send email notifications to. My user address is correct. It is the address my Jetpack Comments notifications are sent to.
View Articleideasprops on "Payment Problems"
Hi macmanx, The credit card is linked to my Paypal account And there is sufficient credit limit So I'm surprised it happened. In fact, I have just used my Paypal account For an eBay transaction and it...
View Articlespiritandbride2217 on "Why won't my mp3's upload on my blog?"
Thank you for your prompt reply. My mp3's aren't large: 11-15mb. However, I tried using both Chrome and Firefox. I've found that when Internet Explorer doesn't work, one of those alternatives will....
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Why won't my mp3's upload on my blog?"
I'm glad everything is sorted - do let us know if you run into any more problems.
View Articletvevangelist on "Why is a weird tag appearing on my posts in the Reader?"
It has appeared on my last several posts: http://tvevangelist.org/2012/10/12/beauty-and-the-beast-101/ http://tvevangelist.org/2012/10/11/arrow-101/ http://tvevangelist.org/2012/10/11/nashville-101/...
View Articledsavannah on "subscriptions?"
By the way, I did receive emails when someone posted a comment that need to be approved. Just not for the last few posts I've published. thanks!
View Articlethehoneyclock on "can't preview my blog posts"
Great, thank you, I can see my blog previews now.
View Article365daysofsalad on "Post to multiple pages"
Hi there, I'm a bit confused. This is what you guys have on your wordpress site - this is copied word for word: "Post vs. Page Explains the differences between posts (listed in order from newest to...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Uploading .mov and stuck at 'this video is being processed'."
Hi, It looks like you got the video uploaded correctly - are you still having trouble with this?
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Bought a theme and need a refund please"
Hi, I don't see a theme purchase under your omorfigirl username - just the Custom Design purchase which has already been canceled and refunded. Did you purchase the theme under a different account?
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "Can I have two separate individual domain names/blogs?"
Hi, Yes, this is completely possible. If you want it under the same username (timchesonisonline), simply log in to WordPress.com, then go here to sign up for another site. You'll have the option to...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "paid hosting through wordpress so I can install a widget?"
Hi, The Rafflecopter widget won't work because it uses JavaScript, which we block for security reasons. I'm not sure if they have an HTML-only widget, but if they do, that should work. You can use that...
View Articlecoffeemanmatt on "can't preview my blog posts"
Awesome! I'm glad you got it worked out. :)
Hi, Macmanx, Just wondering whether is there any progress on this issue. It's still adulterating with typos texts and headlines sent to LinkedIn. Let me know. All the best, Wesley Coll
View Articlebleyzie on "Changed 'html' formats by wordpress ..."
Hi Bryan - I looked at the HTML values are obsolete link and tried to include the html within the 'style' function and it seemed to solve the format issues. Notwithstanding - WordPress should have...
View Articledesignythings on "is there a special trick to putting the quantcast code in...
Thanks Jenia. That would explain why i couldn't figure it out. i am looking for a third party to verify my visits. i already have statcounter. Can you suggest another one that is well known and works...
View Articlemacmanx on "Are my comments winding up in Akismet spam?"
Do you mean "Akismet has protected your site from 45 spam comments already." That's an all-time total. The spam queue is cleared every 15 days for your convenience. We also do not display duplicates or...
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