kardotim on "uploading my sitemap with filezilla"
WordPress.com doesn't support FTP access. The sitemap of your blog can be found at http://selfextreming.com/sitemap.xml You can read more about Sitemaps at http://en.support.wordpress.com/sitemaps
View Articlelololovina on "Soundcheck theme, 'Hero Slider' issue"
yes, it worked, it worked! thanks so much csonnek
View Articlespeterkar1 on "uncertainty of stats"
How uncertain is the counter? I have 10 hits today by one person, it says. It isn't completely unlikely that somebody goes back to the home page (where he can read everything) five times while he also...
View Articlegenuinemart on "plugin on free domain"
how i can use plugin on free wordpress? i can't upgrade the free domain because i use it for domain mapping blog.genuinemart.com.
View Articlekardotim on "plugin on free domain"
We don't allow plugins on WordPress.com for security reasons. Plugins are a feature only available for self-hosted blogs provided through WordPress.org. However, we do have some really cool widgets....
View Articlekardotim on "Upgraded to Pro Bundle"
Here you can find a list of features that are included in the bundle upgrade: http://en.support.wordpress.com/bundles We do have an advertising program called WordAds. Advertising outside of WordAds at...
View Articlekardotim on "IE 8 Issues"
Could you send us a screenshot of the page where you're seeing this? You can upload the screenshot to your blog's media library. Thank you!
View Articlequeenmaryxo on "Transfer back to .com"
I purchased Domain through you but have been using it on self hosted WordPress. If I transfer posts back to .com will previous links stay intact from blog entries?
View Articlensegibs on "Why does my picture not show on the front page?"
Hi there, The picture associated with my blog doesn't show on the home page. I have looked through your support files, but cannot understand where to find the tools needed to edit the code. Please...
View Articletoddfielder on "Sharing buttons/icons are missing from home page"
I have been through all the settings I can find but I can't get the sharing buttons (facebook/twitter/etc) to appear on the blog home page. They appear on the about page but not the home page, please...
View Articlefunnyghost0 on "Move website from backup"
Good morning, I have a blog here on wordpress and I also had a website using wordpress hosted somewhere else. My hosting subscription ended and I now have the cPanel backup of the website. Is it...
View Articleatypiclegaleagle on "Calendar settings so as to embed the Google Calendar"
I have been to that support page and I cant locate my "Calendar settings" link
View Articlehdepouzilhac on "My blog page doesn't show up any more"
Thank you for your response. I was referring to another blog but now it seems to be working again. Kind regards
View Articlekardotim on "Move website from backup"
You can follow the steps in this guide on how to import content into your WordPress.com blog: http://en.support.wordpress.com/import To map an existing domain to your WordPress.com, go to Store >...
View Articlekardotim on "Site is not displaying properly"
You can upload the screenshot into your blog's media library. Please make sure that you're running the latest version of Internet Explorer. Otherwise go to http://browsehappy.com and click on the...
View Articlefunnyghost0 on "Move website from backup"
Ok, I mapped the domain and changed the nameservers. The problem is that i now have the .gz file obtained from cPanel backup. I do not have an XML file to import all data from :(. Thank you.
View Articlerealestatevisuals on "Transfer to self hosted site"
I have transfered my site to self hosting on my website http://www.realestatevisuals.es/blog/. Do I now delete the site that is hosted on wordpress.com? Thank you for your advice
View Articlekardotim on "My photos disappeared."
I only saw 1 broken image on this post: http://quiltscatsandme.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/oh-no-awake-so-early/ . It seems the image link wasn't correct so I fixed that for you. Feel free to contact us...
View Articlekardotim on "Move website from backup"
Our importer should also work with .gz files, only if that contains a .xml file. If you want you can send the file to us by e-mail so we can take a closer look at it.
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