richardbegone on "linking images to posts using urls"
And it did work. I think what it is that on SmugMug one must use their 'get the link' feature and not just copy and paste the url that is showing in the address window. That was the only thing I did...
View Articlejgreerberube on "I want to undo the cancellation of my newly purchased domain."
It was either [email redacted] or [email redacted].
View Articlekeleventsllc on "Email issues"
I am having issues with my email. I am unable to receive email through my third party Fatcow, I followed the the Custom DNS setting and every time I enter in the records they change. I called Fatcow...
View Articlesimonesayswhat on "Using custom header and content slider in Widely theme"
I would like to use both a custom header and the content slider in Widely theme. But it seems at though you can't do both. Am I wrong? Is it possible with the CSS upgrade? If so, what is the code to...
View Articletweedy2013 on "How do I access the Photographer theme that I just bought on...
I just bought the Photographer theme, but it doesn't appear on my space. How do I access it to begin building my website?
View Articlelaviniaferraz on "Erro Configurar Dominio .COM.BR"
Boa noite.... Estou com problemas ao configurar um dominio proprio no wordpress. Ja comprei o mapeamento e fiz os procedimentos inidicados, mas nao funciona. Ja...
View Articleeamcarlson on "I can't find my old blog name so I can buy a redirect - help!"
I changed the name of my blog, and I kept my old blog name (which is the blog URL below). I wanted to purchase a redirect, but when I got into the redirect, it will only all me redirect my NEW blog...
View Articlelaviniaferraz on "Erro Configurar Dominio .COM.BR"
Erro apresentado: Servidor DNS Master: Pesquisa recusada Servidor DNS Slave 1: Pesquisa recusada Servidor DNS Slave 2: Pesquisa recusada
View Articlehanafiahyussof on "Cannot Playback Video"
Hi, I have upgraded to upload and playback video in my website. I managed to upload but the video cannot playback in the website. Pls advice.
View Articlejuliepodstolski on "duplication when publishing"
Regarding sharing, I don't understand 'press this'. For example, I publish a post. Then I choose to share on facebook. But if I click on 'press this' does it simply duplicate to MY readers the...
View Articlejoshbrivers on "Posterous Import"
I'm trying to import my posterous site to I'm getting the email that the import succeeded (almost instantly), but no posts show up. What should my next step be?
View Articlemystudioq on "reader edit not alphabetizing list"
Yes, I know that's the problem! I do appreciate your input.
View Articleindiaautry on "How do you change title case, menu bar colors and margins in...
1. I'd like to make my title "INDIA AUTRY" into upper and lowercase "India Autry." It's typed in that way in "Custom Design," but is still showing up in all caps. I found a way in CSS to make it all...
View Articleahmedalhashimi on "Page Attributes option !!"
Yup, It's works now, this what I want thanks a lot Mr for your help and support best regards,,
View Articledigitaleconomyza on "Add DNS record for"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articleintourist on "Add DNS record for"
I've tried to add a Zone Record for the domain but it asked me to contact support. Could you please add the Zone Record for me?
View Articleintourist on "Add DNS record for"
Ignore this request. I made a mistake. Thanks
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