macmanx on "Why don't my Categories appear on blog?"
They're appearing in your Categories widget correctly: What you're referring to are Pages in your custom menu set at Appearance -> Menus, not categories....
View Articlemacmanx on "Add DNS record for kinderline"
Have you set the name servers as detailed at ? NS1.WORDPRESS.COM NS2.WORDPRESS.COM...
View Articlegdcramer on "Why don't my Categories appear on blog?"
Maybe you can answer a question I just got. "I want to include a picture in a comment to your ride blog. How can I do it?"
View Articlemacmanx on "Why don't my Categories appear on blog?"
At this time, there is no easy way to add images to comments. If they have the image hosted elsewhere, they could include it with HTML: <img src="[image url goes here]"/>
View Articlebradleyjhaertling on "How can I have a different header for each page?"
My theme is "Adventure Journal." I'd like to have the home page look the way it currently does but have the header be different (or non-existent) on the other pages. As it currently is, you can't...
View Articlejkudish on "Followers Still Not Receiving Updates in Their Readers"
Hi there, Just wanted to give you a quick follow up and let you know that I went ahead and removed the corrupted character for you. I've kept that post as a draft for now, but you should be able to...
View Articleinkcaravan on "How do I create a poster/thumbnail for an embedded vimeo film?"
The film I want to embed has loads of screen clutter, I would like to add a clean image with just a simple play symbol as the start frame. Is this possible?
View Articleinyourcupboard on "Why did you auto renew the Custom Design Upgrade?"
Cancel and refund the Custom Design Upgrade on my account. That was set for manual renewal for a reason. Please do this within the next business day.
View Articlekathrynpalumbophoto on "Having difficulty add/move set of thumbnail images to...
Thank you for your help. I just tried to add a new gallery following the instructions from your first reply and am not having any luck. I will have to try again tomorrow when I don't feel rushed. I got...
View Articleclairenewmanrealestate on "Refund my Upgrade"
The blog I need help with is
View Articlemacmanx on "Having difficulty add/move set of thumbnail images to already...
Not a problem, I understand. :) When you start again tomorrow, start by editing the page you want the gallery on, click the "Add Media" button above the editor, pick "Create Gallery" from the left, and...
View Articlekardotim on "E-Commerce"
E-commerce isn't possible here at If you require e-commerce/shopping cart functionality, you might be interested in a self-hosted ( installation. There are no restrictions...
View Articlekardotim on "posts showing up on a page"
Please send me the link of the page you are referring to.
View Articleingleszaragoza on "How do I include "English / Spanish" buttons?"
Let me start by saying that I love wordPress. I've been creating web pages for a number of years and I believe a system such as yours is the future. I'm creating a fundraising page ( for...
View Articleahparker on "Profile Picture"
Hi, I uploaded a picture of myself initially but have tried to remove it and replace it with something else, but it's stuck. I can't seem to get rid of it. I've deleted it from my image file, I think!...
View Article30minutechicdinners on "How to turn off spacing between post lines?"
When I post recipe lists, the WordPress program adds spaces between each ingredient making the post unnecessarily long. How can I turn off that spacing?
View Articleannaamherd on "Bloglovin rss feed not working anymore"
Thanks for your response. But unfortunately the feed is not working fine, you can only find the first blogposts in the feed, but not my two most recent ones. So it stopped working at some point.
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