Okay... When logged in as kevin860 I couldn't respond to this thread :(
I get the message,
Replies limited to Staff and User
Replies in this forum are limited to staff members and the user who made the support request at the moment.
When I'm logged in as kbresourcing I can respond to this thread!
I still want to delete the blogs associated with this username (kbresourcing), but I get the message,
Delete Blog
Warning! You cannot delete a blog if the blog has a domain registration upgrade. You must have access to the blog in order to get to the domain manager.
If you do not want to use your blog any more please make it private. Other users won’t be able to visit the blog but you can still access the Dashboard so you can get to the domain manager.
I am going to try and find out how many usernames I have!!
Can you delete an account? Could I delete the username kevin860?
I will also post the link http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/very-confused when logged in as kevin860 (In a new thread)
Thanks again :)