This morning I wrote another post (by the "first" computer - where I found the problems) and I haven't had no issues with the links!
Composing the article, in visual mode, sometimes there is still something "strange". I mean:
1) copy and past "pure" text; then I select it
2) formatting this text as "align-center"
3) all the text go to the center of the line and only a part remains selected
4) then, I select once again all the text and proceed embedding a link in this text
5) as I close the box (I'm in visual mode) to insert the link, pushing the button "Add link", only a part of the text is linked (just the one at point number "3)").
Anyway, I hope I can say the problem is solved.
Could I delete the screenshots from my media gallery now?
Thank you so much and Happy Xmas! :)))