1. I want to get rid of, delete entirely, make disappear, the blog title Bar-Kahn, leaving BarKahn as THE blog title, and the ONLY blog. Please, how can I do that?
2. I would like the line width of my PROFILE to be justified RIGHT, to the extent possible, as well as left, avoiding a widow . How can I accomplish that ?
3. I originally chose a one (1) column format. I would like to be able to start with two (2) column format with the flexibility to return to a one (1) column when the right side column ends. This would be the permanent type design. Is this possible AND within my control? Should I choose "Sandbox" or TwentyTen?
4. Will I be able to choose and quote (") a sentence(s) or a phrase(s) from the column text and print them in a narrow line or lines within the text in, say 20 point bold face, as part of the page design?
My apologies for asking so many questions.